Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Power or Cable…WTF?!?

Today has kinda been good and bad. The highlight of my day was that my dear husband gave me some roses…

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I also got to do an hour workout at the pool today. It felt like a mini vacay at lunch. I am taking a break tomorrow since I will be running the Azalea Trail run 10k this Saturday with my husband.

For dinner yesterday I was craving some crawfish and a salad:

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For dinner today I made a risotto that I found at Target and some chili. It was delish!

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After dinner I cracked down on some homework for my Biology test that is on Monday. My internet went down when I was almost done with a chapter. My goal for tonight was 2 chapters. That didn’t happen. Well I was finishing typing some stuff and then the power went out for about 30 min. It really sucked….my dog started barking at something too which really scared me. Well off to bed. Still no internet…this blows!

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